
We aim to provide a first class service at all times, but occasionally some things can go wrong. In the first instance You should contact Zero Deposit as Your representative if You have a complaint explaining what You are unhappy about.

Zero Deposit will then determine whether the complaint is something they are responsible for as Your intermediary or something that We, as Your insurer, are responsible for. Zero Deposit will then pass the relevant information to Us.

You should contact Zero Deposit at:
Zero Deposit, Global Property Ventures Limited, Business & Technology Centre, Bessemer Drive, Stevenage, SG1 2DX.

You can email  or call +44 (0)333 200 2541

If the complaint is about Our activities We will carry out an independent investigation of Your complaint and will provide You with a written response. We have a maximum of eight weeks to respond to Your complaint.

If You are not satisfied with Our response to Your complaint, You can refer Your complaint to the Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman. You must contact the Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman within six months of the date of Our final response. If You do not, the Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman may not be able to review Your complaint.


You can contact the Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman at:

Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman (CIFO)
P O Box 114
Jersey, Channel Islands

Jersey local phone: 01534 748610
Guernsey local phone: 01481 722218
International phone: +44 1534 748610”

If You are unhappy with Zero Deposit’s response You may be able to complain to the UK’s Financial Ombudsman Service. You should refer to Zero Deposit’s Terms of Business (which is Your agreement with them) to find out more.